Patent Discovery & Acquisition

A patent grants you exclusive rights to your invention for a limited time frame, in exchange for publicly disclosing the details of the invention. Researching and acquiring patents for your inventions is a thorough, lengthy process that may or may not give your business a competitive advantage, depending on your market and industry.

Our Approach & Outcomes

We're experienced in monetizing innovations both with and without patents, as well as leveraging the value of existing patents to maximize your competitive advantage. When deciding the best way to position the intellectual property of a business or inventor, we consider the roadmap of the business as well as the strategies for marketing its products.

In general, our goal is to obtain patents that are so strong that competitors either voluntarily stay out of your market, or accept licenses without litigation. We carefully tailor patents to serve the general strategy of your business while addressing both the latest changes in the law and future contingencies. Smart targeting and careful tailoring create patents that provide lasting competitive advantage for your business.